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Below are previous e-alerts, Press Releases and various articles which have appeared on the website. They are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the list.
2009 'Support Uganda' call from Christian Group Some are More Equal than Others Copenhagen must fail says Christian Voice Gay Activist Threatens us after Museum Witness Museum and School Witness Causes Stir Petition Launched to Protect Homeschoolers Gay Lesson Head is Sex Offender No Equality for Christians Despite Clause British Museum Promotes Perversion Gately Death 'A Warning' to Boyzone Fans Barnardos Chief Wrong to Urge more Snatching Malicious Rape Accuser Jailed Christians stand by parents at Leytonstone School Christian Voice to Support Parents at Kent School Kent Police 'Undermining Families' in Gay Stunt Army Chaplain's New Creed: 'We Don't Believe' Now Care Trust Libels Suspended Nurse Springer Opera Rears its Ugly Head Again Social Services Prefer Gays to Grandparents ASA Says 'No God' Bus Claim Can't be Proved World AIDS Day sees UK HIV Rise Christians Report 'No God' Bus Ad to ASA
2008 ASA Outlaws Prediction and Opinion Huge Christian Witness at Wales Assembly Poetry Reading Breaks Assembly Rules Homosexuals Rampage over Proposition 8 Knife Crime Battle can't Work Welsh Lib Dems become the 'Insult Jesus' Party Blasphemous Poetry Reading Cancelled CPS Wrecks Baltic Centre Case Obama: 'Put not your Trust in Princes' Infertility will rise with Compulsory Sex Ed Scouts Accused of 'Grooming' Children Bendy-bus to take Dawkins Message off-road Cannibal Chef should face Death Penalty Lloyd Webber buries Superstar in Eurovision Betterware Burnt by Vodoo Candle Violent Crime: Sowing and Reaping CV Meetings in Northern Ireland Lift up thy Voice like a Trumpet London Zoo 'Gay Sunday' Cardiff Mardi Gras Squelches to a Halt The Families in your Churches may not be safe Charles Speaks for the Poor on GM Crops Nanny State Turns Nasty Totalitarian Britain Two Homosexuals just can't be 'One Flesh' South Wales Echo Apologies for Jesus Insult 'Overwhelming Evidence' Alone Should Convict Murderers Christian Witness at Brighton Pride Christian Group in Death Penalty Call Cameron Slammed for Sharia Joke Christians Protest over Jesus Slur BBC go for Pound of Flesh over Springer Costs Politicians 'Clueless' about Knife Crime Christian Voice Director Faces Bankruptcy The First Woman Dies - and for what? School Sex Clinics Betray Young Muslim Police Defied in Gospel Outreach Muslims to be offered therapy rather than prison Muslim No-Go Area 'will be challenged' Negotiating with Al-Qaeda is ‘Lunacy’ Whitehouse Programme Destroys Hugh Greene Shallow Dispatches Doesn't Get It Atheists to Blaspheme - In Private! Superindendent Wrong to Blame Parents Free Speech Clause Exposes Atheist Hypocrisy Christian Voice Killed my Musical - Stewart Lee Lloyd Webber Could Face Evangelists Over Superstar Lap Dancing Clubs Exploit Loophole Chief Rabbi is Killing Civility Succession Rules ‘Sexist’ say Libdem MP ‘Jesus’ Porn Film could be Licensed Rivers of Blood - 70 Years On Princes' Stag Night Binge Drink Disgrace Support for 'Paedophile' row JP Met becomes private security force for Olympic Torch No-fault divorce at root of family 'meltdown' Christians witness against Redhill Muslim march Blasphemy law abolition 'will bring judgment' Lords let BBC off the hook Lords decision imminent in Jerry Springer case Blasphemy: Atheist arguments examined and ambitions exposed Blasphemy: Bishop says all churches must get involved Top Jewish lawyer supports Christian Voice over statue Disestablishment Motion has Mark of the Beast! Art Collector Urged to Destroy Blasphemous Statue Blasphemy Law 'maintains respect for the sacred' Blasphemous Statue on show in Gateshead
2007 High Court Springer Verdict will be Appealed Piercing the Vaccination Hype Pro-Vaccine Charity Challenged Cervical Cancer Charity has Glaxo Link Witness Success at Pro-Abortion Conference Government's Vadera takes sides on abortion Daffy Dawkins fails to blaspheme Holy Spirit MegaMosque Prayer next Saturday Bloody Bible Ad reprinted in Humanist rag Zoo 'Gay Sunday' Condemned Cardiff Mardi Gras 2007 - Report Police receive writ on eve of Mardi Gras Atheist ignorance in Skanda Vale slaughter Orthodox Jews 'blessed by God' Pipex reinstates Christian Voice Website Brighton Pride Witness Touches a Nerve Police Group Links to Christian Voice Website Labour figures' bizarre link to paedophile groups Gay Pride March 2007 Conservatives Promise Diwali Bank Holiday Condoms on TV won't stop Teen Sex Crisis Peter Tatchell in Moscow: The west can't complain Christian Wins Wikipedia War Over Gay Police Lies Bus Drivers Strike Against Gay Adverts Hindu Bull puts Assembly on Horns of a Dilemma High Court Allows 'Springer' Challenge TES Reveals Shocking Intolerance Blood Toucheth Blood 'Sneering' Jeffery John 'not a fellow Christian' 'Irresponsible' Navy puts mother at risk Dudley mosque refused planning permission MSP receives award named after paedophile Damien Hirst 'Ignorant of Christianity' Sex led to death, Court told Summons Refused in Springer Case BMA Warns of Gambling Epidemic Butler-Sloss Patronising and Arrogant Council Axes Christian Prayers Sexual Orientation Regulations Vote Jerry Springer - Blasphemy Case Begins School Gay Promos will be Opposed Archers Gay Wedding 'A Big Turn-Off'
2006 Police spent £2,000 on Gay Rights Party Prayer scuppers Pakistan 'Disgusting' homosexual event 'says it all' CV drove Gay Police Association mad Hate incidents turn to farce Christians in strengthen marriage call Death Penalty call after convictions BNP says CV 'daft' The British National Party
2005 Civil Partnerships ‘an affront’ says CV Religious Hatred Bill Trashed Press Release: Child Sex Worker should be sacked Press Release: Purity comes to New Orleans Press Release: Police in China Protest Climbdown Press Release: Blair 'Divorced from Reality' Press Release: Witness against Gay Pride Day Press Release: Police bow to Chinese Embassy Press Release: China Human Rights Abuse E-Alert: Bedside Bible Ban E-Alert: Road Pricing 'Big Brother' The Queen's Speech The Queen's Speech (as it should be!)