The Shofar is the ancient trumpet which called the people of God to prayer, repentance, sacrifice and war.

Body text of leaflet:


Perry Beeches Headmaster and convicted sex offender, Liam Nolan, thought it would be a great idea to bring in actor Sir Ian McKellen to tell his pupils how good it is to be gay and how horrible those people are who aren't quite so sure he's right.  So let's get to the truth:                  

Reducing bullying?
Professional gay activists have come up with the idea that it will more acceptable to sneak in to schools to promote perverted sex if they can persuade gullible headteachers that it is all about reducing 'homophobic bullying'.

But there is not a scrap of evidence from anywhere that talking up homosexuality reduces bullying.  In fact it is more likely that such teaching gives bullies a new weapon against tom-boyish girls and non-sporting boys they might not have thought too much about.  No, the presence of gay activists in schools is self-serving and designed to indoctrinate and recruit.

God made me like this!?
Gay researchers have failed to find the 'gay gene', and they have really been trying!  But God would never make someone like that and then, in a Bible chapter forbidding sexual sin including bestiality, adultery and incest, also say: 'You shall not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination.' (Lev 18:22).

Sir Ian McKellen gets so upset by that verse, he tore its page out of a Bible on stage.  The poor thing couldn't stand it being there.  But you can't tear pages out of the Bible on the Day of Judgment, Sir Ian.

So why is homosexuality so wrong?
Sex as God made it is always between man and wife in chaste and faithful marriage: Jesus Christ said: 'Have you not read that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female?  And said: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh?' (Matt 19)'  That’s right, Jesus taught heterosexuality.

The parts of the body involved are designed to fit perfectly.  Men and women are complementary - made for each other and in particular, made to have sexual intercourse with each other. Try as he might, a man can never be 'one flesh' with another man, and a woman can never be 'one flesh' with another woman.  It can't be done.  They lack the parts of the body required.

Messing up the body God gave us
By the way, just because the Bible says that homosexual acts are an abomination, it does not mean that homosexual people are as well.  We are all made in the image of God.  No one of us is 'an abomination' in the eyes of God.  But what we do with the body God gave us can be.

Because homosexuals cannot do proper sexual intercourse they have to press other parts of the body into a use our maker never intended.  The wall of the rectum is only one cell thick, perfectly designed to extract water from bodily waste.  It just isn't designed to have things shoved up it.

Prone to Disease
Because the rectal wall gets torn so easily, because antigens from bodily fluids pass so quickly through it, and because of the high levels of promiscuity in the gay network (orders of magnitude higher then heterosexuals) gay men are at massive risk of STD's.

Gay websites cite Hepatitis B, syphilis and rectal or throat gonorrhoea as the main hazards, but genital and anal warts, pubic lice, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis A are routine threats as well.

The reality of homosexual life
What homosexual life is really like is shown by Liam Nolan’s conviction in June 2007 for outraging public decency.  Committed long-term gay relationships are rare, and even then, gay couples routinely cheat on each other. 

The homosexual life is typified by furtive encounters with complete strangers in bushes like those at Sandwell Valley , where Liam Nolan was caught, despite claiming to be ‘in a relationship’.

Shut up you Christians
Last week, the Government tried to stop people criticising homosexuality.  They wanted to shut Christians up with a 'Hate Crime' law, but the House of Lords insisted on a 'Freedom of Speech' clause.

Of course, their law was never about 'hatred'.  You won't find hatred in this leaflet, just sadness about the reality of homosexual life.

No, having won civil partnerships and the right to adopt children, forcing Christian hoteliers to give them a double bed, and being able to force bosses to sack colleagues who disrespect homosexuality, the gays still lack one thing.

But we can't and won't shut up
It is acceptance, even honour, from the Church.  They want the Church to say that homosexual desires are fine.

But the Church can’t do that.  The Bible says homosexual desires are 'vile affections' (Romans 1:25-27) and sodomy is evil.  Those who practice it have no place in the kingdom of heaven, any more than thieves or fornicators.  So the gays want us to shut up, by law.  But we can't and we won't.  The people of Jesus Christ have a duty to speak out against wickedness.

Jesus Christ said some harsh words about those who lead the young astray.  It would be better for that man to have a millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the sea than to cause a young person to sin, said Jesus.

And if Ian McKellen's visit results in just one boy or girl deciding to 'go gay', or to see an adolescent crush as a fixed orientation, he and Liam Nolan are the men with the millstones round their necks.

No-one has to stay gay
Now for the good news.  No-one has to stay gay.  If you think you are gay or lesbian you have a choice whether to stay in a lifestyle which ends in disease, degradation and early death, or whether to get right with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.

And by the way, just because someone may feel desires for someone of the same sex in adolescence does not mean they are gay.  Gay activists want to recruit such people into the gay network, but it is normal to grow out of such unhealthy feelings.

Healed of homosexual desires
By faith in Jesus men and women have been healed of homosexual desires. Even gay activists like James Hartline and  Charlene Cochran have walked away from homosexuality. Check out ‘a lesbian’s deliverance’ and ‘ex-gay’ on the web.  Jesus Christ transformed Charlene, saved her and healed her and others.  Ian McKellen, denies their stories.  You decide.

Jesus Christ still saves from sin
God made the world and set us standards to live by. He has also set a day of judgment.  How will Ian McKellen and Liam Nolan stand in that day before a Holy God?  How will you stand, for that matter?

Homosexuality is not the unforgivable sin, but surely 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.'  'All' means you too, whether it’s in lying, gossip, stealing, cheating, fornication, violence, or disrespect of parents.

But Jesus has the power to forgive you and give you a new life.  What you need to do is decide to sin no more, call out to Jesus and pray to Him to save you, forgive you and heal you.  Then stop doing wrong and start doing right and enjoy life to the full.

Trying to do ‘good deeds’ won’t cover up your sins, because only Jesus Christ is the way to heaven.  He said: 'I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father, except by me.'  He also said:  'For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'  That’s his promise to you today.

Back page:

This is a leaflet for intelligent, open-minded people, asking whether homosexuality is as great as actor Ian McKellen and headteacher Liam Nolan say it is.

Is it about freedom, or more about sordid encounters with complete strangers at Sandwell Valley ?

And does talking about homosexuality in class reduce homophobic bullying and name-calling, or actually increase it?

We look at the health problems of homosexuality and also at the mind-body-spirit side.

We also look at how homosexual men and women can be set free from homosexual desires.

So there is good news here.

There can be no doubt about it, spirituality and religious faith are vitally important.

Everyone is looking for something to fulfil them.  Only one among all the founders of religions claimed to be God, to be able to forgive sins and to bring those who believe in him back to the Divine.

And only one claimed to have power over life and death and demonstrated it by rising from the dead.

We are all unique. There is a God-given purpose for your life.  All you need to do is find it.

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November 2009