The Shofar is the ancient trumpet which called the people of God to prayer, repentance, sacrifice and war.


The list of sponsors for the event shows the depth of penetration of homosexuality into the British Establishment. They are led by four Government offices: the Department for Children, Schools and Families, the Department of Health, HM Revenue and Customs and the Ministry of Justice. With the inclusion of the Metropolitan Police, the Metropolitan Police Authority and the Crown Prosecution Service, we begin to see why justice is something Christians rarely experience when their faith comes up against the prevailing secularist wind.

The Citizens Advice Bureau nails its colours to the mast of Sodom as does Amnesty International. The TUC, Transport for London, the University of the Arts London, and some non-descript media complete the list.

The four Patrons include three 'luvvies', Sir Ian McKellen, Cyril Nri, who is apparently another actor, and a singer called Labi Siffre (he had a sixties hit entitled 'It must be love'). The fourth is quite at home in such a fantasy world: Angela Eagle, the lesbian animal rights enthusiast and Minister of State for Pensions and Ageing Society (which apart from the Muslims it is - and LGBT history month, frankly, isn't helping).

WRITE to the PATRONS AND TRUSTEES (if anyone wishes to have this list in electronic form, please ask.) Ask them why the British Museum is involved in promoting homosexuality to school-children.

SEE how a paedophile is top political gay icon HERE